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Safe Sedation Dentistry Explained

sedation dentistry

Going to the dentist isn’t always a pleasant experience for everyone. For some, it’s full of nerves and anxiety. Whether it comes from the sounds you hear in the dentist’s office, having a bad experience at one point, or just general anxiety, you should know that there are options out there for safe sedation dentistry

When the sounds, smells, and anxiety make going to the dentist a challenge, count on a dentist’s office that can offer you advanced solutions to make it through. A qualified office will have multiple options available. They will also be able to help you find the right fit and be patient while you do so. 

Understanding Sedation Dentistry

There are different forms of sedation that can be used in the dental world. Most of the options provide different results or varying levels of sedation. The tools use medicine to help a patient relax and remain calm throughout their appointments and procedures. These methods can be used for anything from general cleaning to complex procedures. With sedation solutions, you can get the care you need without the stress and anxiety. 

Varying Levels of Sedation

There are multiple options for sedation because not everyone needs the same thing. Your needs may vary based on the anxiety you feel, but they also may vary depending on the procedure you are having done. Safe sedation considers all the details to help you choose the most appropriate options for your needs. 

The safety aspects revolve around monitoring, proper use, and ensuring you get what you need. Sedation can be applied at minimal, moderate, or deep levels. 

Sedation Administration

There are three main types of administration:

  1. Nitrous Oxide - also called laughing gas, this substance is breathed in through a mask. The gas works to make you feel euphoric and relaxed. The effects wear off almost immediately after use. 
  2. Oral Sedation - a prescribed medication that a patient takes prior to their appointment. The sedation is often moderate with this pill, and you should plan for someone to drive you to and from your appointment to be safe. 
  3. Intravenous Sedation - administered through an IV by a board certified anesthesiologist, this option offers deep sedation. In some cases, you may even use general anesthesia. The patient is monitored closely throughout the procedure. 

Safe Sedation Dentistry to Meet Your Needs

Sedation solutions are there to provide you with benefits so that you can make it through a dental appointment or procedure. There are benefits to you as well as to the dentist serving you. 

Check out these benefits: 

  • Reduce anxiety throughout appointment
  • Increase patient comfort and experience
  • Improve the time it takes to complete necessary procedures
  • Improve treatment outcome 
  • Many patients have suppressed memories rather than trauma

Count on Smith Dental Care for Your Sedation Dentistry Needs

At Smith Dental Care, we’re here to ensure you have a positive experience at the dentist’s office. No matter what your needs are, we can help you determine the right solutions. We have extensive experience with sedation solutions for patients, and we tailor our options to meet your needs. 
Schedule an appointment with us today to learn more!

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